Wednesday, June 6, 2012

~mungkin dia orangnya~

Ehem! Ehem!
Fizi nak betulkan suara dulu.
Dah berminggu batuk tak baik-baik lagi.
Suara yang selama ni merdu dah tak berapa 'umphh'.
Kalau tak suara Fizi sebijik sama macam Alexis Strum.

Ni lagu yang Alexis Strum nyanyi.

Could I borrow your oxygen?
I want to breathe what you breathe
Could I borrow your eyes then?
I want to see what you see
Could I borrow your mind?
I wanna know what you conceal
Could I borrow your heart?
I wanna know what you feel
Cause in my dreams I see a face
Full of love and full of grace
I wake up out of the blue
Something tells me
It could be you
Something tells me
It could be you
Could I touch you now baby?
Where you've never been touched before
Could I surrender to you babe?
I can't fight it no more
If I tell you my story
Would it be safe in your hands?
Could you do something for me?
Just try and understand

Cause in my dreams I see a face
Full of love and full of grace
I wake up out of the blue
Something tells me
It could be you
Something tells me
It could be you
The way I feel when you are near
The way I smile when you appear
The way your voice speaks to me inside
I cannot hide

Cause in my dreams I see a face 
And the kiss I almost taste 
I wake up out of the blue 
Something tells me 
It could be you 
Something tells me 
It could be you


Boleh tak saya nak pinjam oksigen awak?
Tetiba tanya soalan macam ni.
Rasa-rasa jawapannya apa?
Kalau Fizi,Fizi jawab: "Saya tak pernah ada oksigen."

Sebenarnya..... kita takkan rasa apa yang orang tu rasa.
Kita takkan faham apa yang orang tu alami.
Kita takkan tahu apa yang orang tu fikir.
Melainkan kita jadi dia.


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